Just being me and hoping to inspire you, from my light to yours…

When I was pregnant with my daughter Marin I had a psychic reading in which I was told that my daughter would “receive” a blanket from my dead mother. The psychic said somehow the blanket would be brought into our life and that it would end up being her favorite blanket. For months and months after she was born I was very curious and wondering, “Will it be this blanket? Or maybe this one? How about this one?”

Finally, one day I was out shopping and happened by the fabric section of a store. There was a really cute pastel patchwork material that stuck out to me as I passed by. I wondered again as I had done so many times before, “Could this be the blanket?” I grabbed the material off the shelf and followed my intuition, that gut instinct nudging me to buy it. To my surprise as I approached the check-out I was met with an instant confirmation.

You see, a couple of days before while out driving I spotted two random yellow balloons floating up high in the sky. I smiled to myself knowing that in someway that was my mother’s way of telling me hello. I didn’t know how the balloons got there, or why, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was that I saw them, that I was meant to see them, and that when I did see them I knew instantly that they were from my mother and for me. The right place at the right time kinda thing and it was the same in the store on this particular day because as I walked up to the cash register to buy a ream of fabric just big enough to make a blanket for my sweet little daughter I was greeted by a yellow balloon tied to the check-out. I knew instantly that this fabric was meant to be a blanket for my Marin and from my mother who it seemed was sending me another signal via a yellow balloon.

So I had the fabric made into a blanket and we gifted it to my daughter for her first birthday.

Marin getting her blanket (notice the orb in the picture).

Marin getting her blanket (notice the orb in the picture).

My daughter is now 2 1/2. She has a select few blankets that are her favorites; one of them being this particular blanket that I speak of. And just the other day she plainly started calling it her “Grandma Blanket.” What made the connection even more obvious is that we don’t call her living Grandmother “grandma,” ever! So for Marin to claim this as her “Grandma” blanket pointed from all directions towards my dearly deceased Mom.

(Love you Mom! Thanks for being in my children’s life even if it has to be from Heaven. We’ll take you any way we can get you ;-))

One last bit of information to add is that in the same year this happened for my daughter it also happened for my son.

My son Gavin had asked for a suitcase for his birthday. Really? What 4-year-old wants a suitcase for his birthday? Despite the desire to purchase him a much more exciting gift we bought him a kid’s size suitcase from Target. On his birthday as he was opening up all of the zipper compartments to check it out he pulled from one of them a harmonica! Now, this wasn’t any kind of harmonica that you would find at your local Target. It was worn and made of metal and wood, and played like a professional grade instrument. It didn’t matter how it got there, or why, but what mattered in that moment was that it was there, and that it was for Gavin. I remember looking up at my husband after Gavin pulled the harmonica out as if he had known it was there. The shared awe in our eyes as they met confirmed in an instant that indeed this was a very special gift given from Heaven and from my Mother.

This Sunday will mark the 12 year anniversary of her death. I am happy she still resides in our heart and in our home.

Comments on: "Baby Blanket Gifted from Heaven" (2)

  1. Erin White said:

    Korinn that brought tears to my eyes! I loved every bit of this, as I was reading I heard your mom say “They all mean the world to me!” You are such an inspiration to me and many others. Thank you for sharing this!

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